One sunny day after arriving to my physio, I was told the MRI results came in. The results I found out were just a sheet of paper listing everything that was wrong. I can only get the images if I go to the imaging department and pick them up personally.
The results:
- Tear of the lateral meniscus with a large part flipped over on itself.
- Full ACL tear
- High-Grade Partial PCL Tear
- Partial Tear of the MCL, complete tear of the deep MCL fibres (the one inside the bone))
- Partial LCL tear, with it being over stretched.
- Bone Bruising on the top of the Shin Bone, and bottom of the Femur.
- Impaction Fracture near the bottom of the Femur on the outer side.
- Blood and Fat from bone fracture partying it up in the knee
- Quad muscles over stretched with swelling.
- but on the plus side, my patella tendon is fine.
In the words of my doctor: "You were on the verge of dislocating your knee"
Here's a great picture to show all the ligaments (ACL = anterior cruciate ligament):