Friday, June 19, 2009

11th Week Post Op

- "Can I jog yet? "
- "Yes."

Ahhhh, those are some sweet words. Although there is no treadmill at my physios', I will try jogging tomorrow at the gym. I'm restricted to soft surfaces for now and if it swells up afterwards I'll have to wait another week before trying again.

I've got some more intense hopping routines and the superman exercise: stand on one leg, and make body + other leg parallel to the ground. Superman is intense.

One thing that has cropped up in the past few weeks is the fat pad under my knee cap, also known as the infrapatellar fat pad. When I hyper extend and let my leg sit there for a bit, and then bend my knee quickly, I can feel that fat pad in the way, almost as if it is blocking my knee from bending. It is not painful at all. If I do it slowly it feels normal. Both the physio and chiro didn't have any good solutions but don't think it's too much of a concern. Building up leg muscles will hopefully solve the problem and I'll also be icing it in case it's inflammation.


Summer said...

Congrats on getting the 'OK' to jog!! Perhaps with having waited a little longer you will have better luck with an even stride for your first attempt at running! If not, you're welcome to use my phrase, "Rumping" for the run-limp!

And, I think I'm getting a similar sensation in my knee as you described, but didn't know it was due to a fat pad, or inflammation for that matter. Having this hypersensitivity of the knee can be so distracting!!

Keep up the good work!

Andrew said...

I was definitely "Rumping" initializing but I finally evened it out!

I know what you mean regarding hypersensitivity, any small pain or bump and I start worrying. But I guess it's all part of the process.