Tuesday, April 14, 2009

11th Day Post Op + Meet the Surgeon

Met with the surgeon today and he went over the details of the surgery, also had my stitches removed.

60% of my lateral meniscus was removed. It was apparently a bucket handle tear, which must have worsened since the MRI was taken. There's some cracks in the cartilage of the lateral side too (near where the impaction fracture occurred). In his own words: "Don't worry about it now, you'll be playing Ultimate Frisbee in no time, but you'll hate me when you're 60"

I also received the protocol for rehab, which mentions bending the knee right after surgery. Still not sure why they told me not to bend the knee... grr. Oh well, I had lots of practice bending my knee after the initial injury, I should twice as good / more experienced this time!

And on the bright side, there's no real restrictions for the next month, just no running / jumping. I don't have to wear the brace anymore (woohoo!) and can bend as much as I can. I've also been referred to a chiropractor to help with the bending.

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